The Two Cultures: Brian Clarke and Zaha Hadid [ART Vs. ARCHITECTURE]

¿En qué punto se encuentra la arquitectura, respecto al arte y la ciencia? ¿Es acaso una combinación de ambas, o son tres ramas completamente distintas? Podría ser uno de los grandes debates de la arquitectura.

At what point is architecture, regarding art and science? Is it a combination of both, o are the three of them completely different? This could be one of the great debates of architecture.

Os presentamos una charla entre Zaha Hadid y el artista Brian Clarke, en la que comentan acerca de este tema y nos expresan sus posturas al respecto en relación a su obra.

We present a talk between the architect Zaha Hadid and the artist Brian Clarke, in which they discuss about this topic and they express their own points of view in relation to their work.

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